Friday, June 15, 2012

100 Posts & new posting schedule!

Thank you all for your readership to this beautiful project! It seems like just yesterday I was just starting this and hitting 100 posts seems unbelievable. I have honestly put a lot of work into this and I'm proud of what it has turned into.

As you can see I didn't post a news story for today. I just started work for the summer so my days are really long and I just wasn't able to get to this. Since all that is happening and I'm happy where the project is, I've decided to post less. Yes, three days a week is already a small amount but I want to enjoy the summer time! For now, I will just be posting when I come across something really interesting. This could be once a month or three times a week.. it all just depends. I will try to not put too much time between posts though.. promise! :)

I hope you all continue to enjoy the information I've provided so far and stick around for great things.

Thank you readers!



Monday, June 11, 2012

Know your "chronotype": Lark vs. Owl

"Chronotype- attribute reflecting at what time of the day a human's physical functions are active, change or reach a certain level. 

To determine the best time to nap, it helps to know your chronotype. In other words, if you were entirely free to plan your day, what time would you go to bed, wake up and take a nap? 

Napping illustrationNapping illustration

Larks are usually apt to wake as early as 6am and go to sleep around 9 pm or 10 pm. This will usually lead you to feeling sleepy around 1-1:30 pm.
Owls usually prefer to go to bed after midnight or 1am and wake around 8 am or 9 am. This leads to a later "sleep gate" and will leave you feeling a sleepy around 2:30-3 pm.
So, are you a lark or an owl?

(Information Source: The Guardian)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Car-napper Caught Napping

(Story from June 1, 2012)

A suspected Post Falls, Idaho car burglar appears to have fallen asleep on the job.
Police say 33-year-old Jason D. Hill was arrested early Thursday morning after he was caught napping inside one of the vehicles he was trying to steal outside a Post Falls apartment complex.
It was reported that Hill intended to hotwire the care but his plan fell through around 4 A.M when he was found outside of the car by the owner, who called the police.
Police say he appears to have been removing the car's stereo when he nodded off.

Authorities say the vehicle Hill drove to the scene was stolen. 
He is suspected of breaking into four vehicles parked at the apartment complex.

(Original story by

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sorry I'm a little late.. I keep losing track of what day it is! Thankfully I start work next week, I think I'm starting to go crazy. Enjoy!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stranger napping on your shoulder? Problem solved!

Basically what you see above is a project that combines unique gadgets or devices to help change the essences of suits. It turns something serious into something that can be fun or silly! If you didn't watch the video, basically the suit plays music from the shoulder whenever someone (or their head) touches a certain spot. You can get more information on the project here.

Riders of public transportation know the pain of having people fall asleep next to or even on you. I think it would be really funny to see this happen in action! Of course it's just a project (that I don't think is even happening in the US) so it won't happen but it would definitely change the napping on public transportation game. How do you all feel about this.. funny or too strange?

Friday, June 1, 2012

When napping at work isn't okay

Shocking audio recordings revealed a Montgomery County, Maryland 911 dispatcher napping (and snoring) as a frantic women pleads for help. 

This specific dispatcher was is an experienced uniform fire fighter who was 17 hours into a 24-hour overtime shift.  Jeffery Buddle, the Union Rep for Fire Fighters, said while this seems like a long shift to someone who isn't used to it, this is a normal shift for Fire Fighters. It was also reported that this was the first time someone has ever fallen asleep during a 24-hour shift.

After noticing no help was being given, the transferal operator stepped in and got another dispatcher on the line. In the background of CPR instructions from the second dispatcher you can here the dispatcher snore at least 18 times. Eventually the original dispatcher wakes up, not realizing the women had been on the phone for four minutes.

The dispatcher was removed from the floor that night by his supervisor and is suspended with pay until the inquiry is finished.

What do you think of this story? (For more information check out the news video here)