Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Nap Map

The University of California at Davis has triggered a very unique campaign that encourages napping. 

The research, gathered  from the National College Health Assessment and a 9-question assessment called the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Indexis a little contradicting when it comes to the overall goal of their campaign because of "non" and "long" nappers. It showed that either people reported not napping at all or napping too long and feeling more groggy and drowsy. They didn't let that trump their idea though; they still continue promoting napping as a way to increase productivity and have aimed to promote short, and napping all together, to the two skewed groups mentioned before.

Part of their campaign is The Nap Map, an interactive section of Google maps that list the best places to nap on campus.  The picture below, located on the left hand-side of this website, gives some background info, tips and even explanations on the rankings!

Then finally, you have the actual map. Clicking on each red bed will pull up the location and information about it.

I just thought this was pretty cool! I would love to see it implemented locally or even here at UPG.
What do you think?

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