Thursday, March 22, 2012

Calculate your bed time..

With this website!

You simply put in the time you have to wake up and it works backwards in sleep cycles (90 minutes) telling you what time to go to bed. There is also an option to see when you should wake up if you were to go to bed right away. With this though, they advise that you give yourself an additional 15 minutes so you can fall asleep; it takes the average human about 14 minutes.

Example: I usually wake up at around 10 a.m everyday.

So I enter that time and hit calculate! (Notice how you can hit the zzz button and change it to the option of going to bed now)


PS - Shout out to my brother for showing me this website!


  1. This is really cool. I didn't know that we sleep in cycles. Good to know!

  2. I know! And yes, that's why naps should be short. If you nap through a whole 90 minute cycle you'll feel all groggy!
