Don't get me wrong, I love napping and blogging. I just feel as if sometimes I don't have a voice here. As I go through the blogs of my classmates, I just wonder why I didn't pick a topic I could incorporate more of me in. I know this is a relatively good blog, but I'm bored with it. Finding things to blog about is a pain. Describing them is annoying. I feel like I'm putting on this fake act. I don't know. I plan on giving you the greatest blog I can until the semester is over, but I've decided that it won't continue after that. I might link to a new blog incorporating more of me as a writer, so I hope you all follow my journey. I'm sorry if I bored you with unnecessary details, but I just wanted to explain how I felt about my blog.
Maybe I just need a nap...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
How could I forget?
For the past two weeks I skipped out on sharing somee cards about napping! The deterioration of my brain is clearly noticeable. Anyways, here's two to make up for my forgetfulness!
"El ZULO – Ergonomic chair pod for power napping"
There it is! A chair made especially for napping. Designed by Frank Ehners, this chair is made to suit you with the perfect napping positions. According to, "Taking a nap in this chair pod eliminates the worry of stiff neck or neck pains. And it surely helps you regain your energy and productivity." The chair is also adjustable to fit the needs for multiple users. Click here for some more information about this chair from!
Who wouldn't want a chair specifically for napping?
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Getting used to the new Blogger..
Not really sure how I am feeling about it. Things are different.. very different.
How do you feel fellow bloggers?
Cold Weather Blues
I woke up this morning feel incredibly sick. By now, I'm sure we all know the remedy!
...I took a nap and feel much better :). Not enough to go to class today though lol.
...I took a nap and feel much better :). Not enough to go to class today though lol.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Here's another cat napping picture!
I promise no more slacking, though these pictures are too cute :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Have a happy, nap-filled weekend!
I plan on catching up on some well needed Z's :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Calculate your bed time..
With this website!
You simply put in the time you have to wake up and it works backwards in sleep cycles (90 minutes) telling you what time to go to bed. There is also an option to see when you should wake up if you were to go to bed right away. With this though, they advise that you give yourself an additional 15 minutes so you can fall asleep; it takes the average human about 14 minutes.
Example: I usually wake up at around 10 a.m everyday.
So I enter that time and hit calculate! (Notice how you can hit the zzz button and change it to the option of going to bed now)
PS - Shout out to my brother for showing me this website!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Sleeping vs. Napping
I have been posting more about sleeping rather than napping lately and I feel like some you might think I am losing focus.
However, I am purposely trying to incorporate more sleeping related things. It is practically the same thing and I think it can be a really useful way of spreading my horizons.
How do you feel? Should I stick to strictly napping or spread out?
Monday, March 19, 2012
Napping in the car.. yes or no?
Yes, when you look like this (shout-out to my adorable nephew):

No, when you look like this (Lindsay Lohan):
Pretty simple, right?
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sorry I didn't finish out the postings for last week..
Coming back to you with 100% effort tomorrow!
Happy napping.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Why haven't I been doing this all my life? Oh yes, that's right..
I am currently combining an obsession from before I was 10 with one I have acquired in the last five years. I came up with playing outside and napping; and yes, I have only recently become obsessed with napping.
That kind of makes sense in a way. I was always playing outside when I was younger, so I rarely had time for naps except in Kindergarten when they allotted time for that. My neighborhood was filled with kids of my age whom I enjoyed spending all day with. Exploring the woods, dodge ball, riding bikes, trips to the park and hiking it to the local pool; everyone and everything just kept me busy.
Then came this little thing called school. School, having to pay attention and work hard and homework took away my youth. Sadly, it is still haunting me to this day! As you all know, it's a very tiring process. I discovered the beauty of a mid-day nap the first day of classes my freshman year. I haven't looked back since.
Life may be too busy to have fun, but it can never be too busy to nap.
Happy Pi Day, everyone!
Enjoy the following cartoon, a slither of "pi" and embrace some circles inside your dreams.
Enjoy the following cartoon, a slither of "pi" and embrace some circles inside your dreams.
No post yesterday = awesome post today
Of course it's Wednesday, so here's a somee card:
Why is this an awesome post? It relates to my life! Which I'm now realizing might be boring to others.. Anyways, do I go home and go to my cousin's child's birthday party, or do I stay at school so I can nap all weekend? Though if I go home I may be able to enjoy a nap with my favorite little guy, my nephew. Ahhh, I don't know what to do!
Monday, March 12, 2012
A real bad case of the Monday's
Back to school, back to hell! I'm making a spring-break turn around to hopefully do better by the end of the semester in all my classes, so napping isn't something that's going to happen to often.
However, I slept horribly last night so I'm going to go nap until my night classes.

Friday, March 9, 2012
Who, What, Why: How long is the ideal nap?
We've discussed this before, but this article by The BBC brings up an interesting perspective. Author Tom Geoghegan starts the article with this point,
Air traffic controllers in the US have been advised to take 26-minute naps, after a string of incidents involving workers falling asleep. So is 26 minutes the ideal length of time for a nap?I've discussed before that a 20-30 minute nap is ideal, so it would make sense that 25/26 minutes is key. However, some believe that 20 minutes is too long. Other than equipping yourself with caffeine so that by the time it kicks in you're up, "once you get beyond 20 minutes, you risk a deep sleep and you can be much more groggy when you wake up." (Jim Horne, Sleep Research Council, UK).
So while 20 minute naps can increase alertness for hours, you also run the risk of just feeling more tired. I believe that comes with any nap though. Just remember to nap no longer than an hour and not too close to your bed time, and you should be fine. If you want to double you're alertness you can drink coffee too before you shut your eyes.
As for Air Traffic Controllers, it's best you get a full nights rest so you don't need a nap.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Something to do instead of napping
I know, that sounds horrible. I'd rather spend all my free time napping too, but we all know that's not how life works. Sometimes we have to wake up and be aware of current events!
So, here's something to do. Educate yourself on the California-based organization Invisible Children, it's Kony 2012 movement and the war against the Joseph Kony, a leader for The LRA. Based in Africa, Kony and his 30,000+ (in total) LRA rebel army has been torturing, raping and abducting children and millions of people for over two decades. I'll include a few links that I think will help you formulate a good, educated opinion on what Invisible Children is trying to do!
1. Invisible Children's Facebook Page
2. Inivisible Children's Kony 2012 video (29 minutes.. but worth it!)
3. ABC Article about Joseph Kony (VERY informative)
4. An OPINIONATED Critical Perspective Blog
5. "Joseph Kony and Crowdsourced Intervention" A Critical Perspective Article by Jack McDonald
America has finally woken up from it's nap and Uganda is finally getting recognition.. but is it the right recognition and will it be successful?
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Happy Over The Hump Day!
Forget a to-do list, just nap!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Ever think to yourself, “I’d love to take a nap but I don’t feel like getting into pajamas or comfortable clothes just to change again in 30 minutes?”
WELL.. your prayers have been answered!

These sleek, stylish jeans may make Grandma look like the next hottest model with the newest clothes.. but they’re actually not jeans at all! Equipped with an elastic waste band, back pockets and great creases, these jeans are made out of a material that is used in pajamas. They come in all sizes, from petite to plus size, and great to both wear out AND sleep in. Check out the upbeat ad here!
Roll up out of bed, WITH your swag on! How about that, Solja Boy?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Doing some outdoor Spring napping?
Get this! It's the Diamond Spring Sleeping Bag: 30 Degree Down. As you can probably guess, it's made for sleeping conditions for 30 degrees and under. You may be wondering who would ever be napping out in the cold in under 30 degree weather, but it's actually sold out; I guess even those in the arctic have to nap! There are tons of sleeping bags equipped to keep you warm in frigid temperatures and with a simple Google search you'll be as amazed as I am.
Even if you aren't in to napping in the cold, imagine how toasty you'd feel in this thing in your house!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Sorry there was no post for today
I lack sleep therefore I lack creativity. Full blown posts will return Monday.
Spring break time = NAP TIME!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Crease Cheek
We've all been through it. Embarrassing marks that show we were just knocked out. But, have you ever took them seriously? Usually within a couple minutes our faces go back to being silky smooth, but some people don't like the ever lasting effects.
Curious to learn more, I did some research. Most of the things that came up were message boards of people complaining. People offer each other sleeping tips and different face cream product suggestions to combat this "very annoying issue." I think it's all a bit ridiculous. I mean, I'm all for have a good-looking face.. but I thought this was just natural. Granted, some people look horrible after sleeping on their face for a long time, but it's not like they're really being hurt. I just never understand why people worry about things like this that aren't deathly.
How do you feel about this? Is the redness and all the marks worth fussing about, or is it no big deal?
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